Wednesday, July 20, 2011


We are getting there. The ads will play nice as I actually start posting. I've been sitting at this computer updating this and that all day. It sort of feels like I've done nothing much else for the last few weeks. In writing up a post for my tech blog, I looked up the date of purchase for my new Netbookand was surprised to see that it was a month ago! It seems like every day or two I find something else that needs tweaking. I used to be able to fix up my new computer in half a day; but I guess that was before I became a real geek with language stuff and this and that other piece of advanced software to load on.

I have links to my other active public blogs here... Some need a bit of revival--we'll see how well I do at that. Feel free to follow or not as you wish.

work in progress

Wow! I just set this up yesterday and it has 3 followers--without a single post! Gee, I think I have stalkers. :) Oh wait! One of them is my mom... *thinks about that post on Facebook about your mom stalking you* Perhaps this gives a bit of credibility to the idea that people have nothing better than to Google the name of their friends and family.

So if you are just jumping aboard, please bear with me as I get this thing set up. My mom used to have a magnet that had the letters PBPGIFWMY on it: "Please be patient. God isn't finished with me yet." PBPINFWMBY: Please be patient. I'm not finished with my blog yet.